Today, a good training is not natural anymore.
At Metallgießerei Wilhelm Funke you will receive a sound, cross-departmental training. Right from the first day you are integrated in the daily routine of the business so that you can collect valuable and practical experience in the following fields:

Foundry mechanics specialised in hand-moulded castings
manufacture moulds manually and produce castings in small series or as single parts.
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Labour Office) provides further information on the training:
further informationen

Cutting machine operators
program and manufacture precision components on CNC machining centres.
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Labour Office) provides further information on the training:
further informationen

Technical model makers specialised for foundries 
manufacture production models made of wood, plastics or metal.
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Labour Office) provides further information on the training:
further informationen

Industrial clerks
learn skills in the commercial business areas as materials management, sales, HR as well as finances and accounting.
The Bundesagentur für Arbeit provides further information on the training:
further informationen

If you are interested in a vocational training, please send your application to or contact Ms Kottisch under
+49 80) 5181 / 84 59-25. 

ausbildung Video: We train.